John 5:24 explains, "He who hears My Word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgement, but has passed from death into life."
On Monday, September 28, 2009 we received a phone call from our son Matthew. He was so excited he couldn't wait to share the news with us! Hannah, our oldest granddaughter, had been talking with her Mom and Dad for several weeks about what it meant to be saved and she had lots of questions for them about baptism, so after discussing these things, Hannah came to Matthew and Sarah that Monday evening, September 28th and told them that she wanted to be saved. Matthew and Sarah sat down with her, they read scripture and asked if she understood and then Hannah prayed for Jesus to come into her heart and be her Savior! We are so proud of Hannah and so excited about this decision!! It's been almost 7 years since Chase accepted Christ as her Savior at that time all our immediate family were Christians and now as our family is growing with grandchildren being added, Tommy and I have been praying that as they come of age that each and everyone of our grandchildren will come to trust in the Lord and follow Him! Hannah Grace is our oldest grandchild and so we are just thrilled that she has come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ!
Please join us in praying for Hannah and also pray for Matthew and Sarah as her parents that they will disciple her and help her to grow and mature in the Lord!
Hannah, Granddaddy and Mimi love you and we are so very proud of you!