Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy, Happy Birthday, Kaleb!

Happy 3rd Birthday Kaleb!

Today is our youngest grandsons 3rd birthday! Kaleb is Matthew and Sarah's son. Kaleb is a sweet boy and has brought much joy to our family! Kaleb is definitely all boy!! He loves trucks, cars, and trains! He loves to play outside and get dirty! Kaleb is also a very loving little boy, he loves to cuddle and watch TV, he will even share his kisses (most days)!
We love you Kaleb and our prayer is that God will continue to bless your life and that you will grow in wisdom and knowledge and that one day you will accept Jesus as your Savior and Lord and that you will spend your life serving Him!

Mimi, Granddaddy and Aunt Chase wish we could be in North Carolina to help you celebrate your day, however we hope you have a day that is just as special as you are to us!!

We love you Kaleb! Happy, Happy Birthday!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kaleb!