Saturday, October 16, 2010

Research Study

I think most people that know me know that I have Rosacea...Rosacea is a chronic condition characterized by facial redness. It typically begins as redness on the central face across the cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead. Unless it affects the eyes, it is usually a harmless cosmetic condition. Treatment, if wanted, usually involves topical medications to reduce inflammation. I have had this condition for about 15 years now, I saw a dermatologist for it and tried several different treatments, but nothing ever seemed to really help, so I have just left it somewhat untreated...I clean my face, and use make-up for more sensitive skin and things like that, but I haven't used prescription medication for my Rosacea in years!

Then last week Tommy happened to find an ad in the Coweta Shopper, a small local paper, advertising a clinical research study for Rosacea, particularily the redness, so I called and got an appointment and I was so excited to find out that I was accepted into the study because not only do I get my Rosacea treated for the next 10 to 12 weeks, but they also pay me for my time...I do have to spend 3 days every 2 weeks at the office for 12 to 14 hours, but it is so worth it, I went this past Thursday for my first 14hr visit and I felt like I was having a spa day...they fed us breakfast, lunch and dinner, they provided snacks, they had movies, and games, and puzzles! And the absolute best part is one of the RN's is also a massage therapist, and she gave us foot, and hand massages, and I took a nice nap after that!! I told Tommy I felt like I should have paid them!! I haven't had such a relaxing day with people waiting on me like that since Tommy and I went on our last cruise 11 years ago!! :)

I am very excited about this study, I am hoping that it helps my redness, and I am excited about getting to do something extra special with the compensation money!! I'll let you know what we decide to do!! :) Please pray that I don't have any adverse side effects and that I will be able to stay with the study until the end!!


Unknown said...

Sounds super cool! I wish I could get payed to be waited on all day and get massages and stuff! Sounds like a dream come true! :0)

Tara said...

Wow, Heidi, I'm so excited for you! That sounds like an all-around great deal! I'll be praying that it works!!!

Nic said...

I'm praying for you, girlfriend! I hope you find relief. :)

It sounds like a fabulous vacation day. LOL Enjoy those fun moments. A foot massage? I'm jealous. hee hee

Love ya!

Christy said...

What a blessing!!! Absolutely praying that there will be no adverse side effects. I can't wait to here how it all turns out in the end!