Monday, March 14, 2011

Our Cruise -Winter Break 2011 (Part 2)

Sorry for the delay between Part 1 and Part 2...we have had a couple of pretty hard weeks, we were forced to have Destiny placed with another Foster family, and we decided it best to close our home to Foster care because of Destiny's caseworker, she became increasingly impossible to work with, she never communicated with us, and it was obvious from our first meeting with her, that she cared more about the "rights" of the biological mom, than she cared about the safety and well being of Destiny, and for Destiny's sake and for the sake of our family, we had no choice, but to come to the decision to close our home! Please pray for Destiny! My biggest concern is that she feels that we have abandoned her too! Well, back to more happy things like our cruise...

We really had a wonderful time, despite the "little" setbacks we had, we really enjoyed spending quality time together just the 3 of us!

Here are a few pictures of our cabin, it was pretty small, but it was cozy!

Our first two days on the cruise we were Out at Sea! We LOVED that...No land in sight, just beautiful ocean all around...We also enjoyed the HUGE Water slide on board the ship, as well as laying out in the sun, we also enjoyed exploring the ship and just relaxing on the deck...Days at Sea were some of our favorite times!

My man looking so sexy! This is one of my favorite pics from the trip!

Chase loved the never ending ice cream cones!! :)
Stayed Tuned for Part 3

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what a fun trip!!!